Monday, October 25, 2010

Mr N Speaks

God has a plan for everything, even if is not in one's immediate foreseeabiliy of His wisdom. Trust, that's all He asks.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Our plight seems slight in the eyes of the southern government, who with high pride, only manages the issue with a heart too light.

Sunday, October 17, 2010




Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mr N Speaks

On Thu, my plan was to finish marking by Sun.

On Fri, my plan was to finish marking by Mon.
Yesterday, my plan was to finish marking by Tue.

I guess it isn't too hard to guess what my plan is today.

Nobel Prize Is Seen as Rebuke to China

Few nations today stand as more of a challenge to the democratic model of governance than China, where an 89-year-old Communist Party has managed to quash political movements while creating a roaring, quasi-market economy and enforcing a veneer of social stability.
Edward Wong, International Herald Tribune

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mr N Speaks


 Nay,thy hitch is introspective,for ye pedagogue yons regalment of docents mileage of gamut,or dole for thy pedagogue to see ye's docents execrable harvest
Yiheng, you write of a bohemian style, arcane it inclines, yet such scribal pedantry will find no practicality in today's lingustic modernity, marring your intended lexicality, and henceforth rendering void, communicativeness.

Mr N Speaks

As the examination comes to a close, will it be joy or woe for the candidate?

Mr N Speaks

In a suburban town of USA, a family, who failed to pay for fire service subscription fee, witnessed their house burnt down; the fight-fire team stood by with their fire-fighting equipment, refusing to barge. 

Mr N Speaks

It was the sheer monotony of assessing work that Millionaire City flourishes during my respite.

Mr N Speaks

Could it be the time of the year where voluminous workload envelops one, causing one's immune system to fall below par?

Mr N Speaks

Does the Commonwealth Games celebrate the integrity of the former British colonial states in the Commonwealth, or a remembrance of the waned colonial hegemony of the United Kingdom?

Mr N Speaks

What can be sweeter than having her dedicated most of her lifetime with you in love, and enough memories built with you, and for you to luxuriate? A legacy of memories, she would have left you.


Mr N Speaks

Beneath the veneer of an iron man, lies a husband whose unfailing love lingers even as she succumbs to life's natural course.

Mr N Speaks

Singapore won her first gold in shooting at the Commonwealth Games. Congratulations. May we have a brighter shine on the international sporting stage.

Mr N Speaks

A comparison of the ticketing system employed in New Dehli 2010 with Singapore 2010 thereof, is akin to juxtaposing Third World with the First, as anecdotally evident from BBC World Service.